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  • Signature Sponsor at the DHC Business Expo and Annual Meeting Up to 10 representatives at monthly networking meetings Opportunity to address audience at both events Complimentary table at Annual Meeting Booth at our annual “Business Expo” Permission to use DHC Corporate Sponsor logo in company promotions Recognition during Networking Events Access to Membership Detailed Mailing Lists Company logo featured prominently on our website with active link to your company site Company logo recognition in chamber e-newsletter, bulletins and monthly meetings Unlimited job postings in our newsletter and website Opportunity to list up to four free articles in our monthly newsletter Unlimited ads in our newsletter Unlimited news articles on our website Priority given to host or sponsor a Dayton Hispanic Chamber event to showcase your business Ability to insert your company special programs and discount literature into our welcome membership package.
    Sponsor at the Annual Meeting or Business Expo Complimentary table at Annual Meeting Permission to use DHC Corporate Sponsor logo in company promotions Up to 8 representatives at monthly networking meetings Recognition during Networking Events Access to Membership Detailed Mailing Lists Company logo featured prominently on our website with active link to your company site Company logo recognition in chamber e-newsletter, bulletins and monthly meetings Unlimited job postings in our newsletter and website Opportunity to list up to four free articles in our newsletter Unlimited ads in our newsletter Unlimited news articles on our website Booth at our yearly “Business Expo” Priority given to host or sponsor a Dayton Hispanic Chamber event to showcase your business Ability to insert your company special programs and discount literature into our welcome membership package
    Our premier membership package. Enjoy front page predominant logo exposure on our website and in the monthly newsletter. First opportunity to sponsor or host a monthly membership meetings. Up to 6 representatives at monthly networking meetings Recognition during Networking Events Access to Membership Detailed Mailing Lists Company logo featured prominently on our website with active link to your company site 2 complimentary seats to our Annual Meeting and 50% discount for additional attendees Company logo recognition in chamber e-newsletter and bulletins Unlimited job postings in our newsletter and website Opportunity to list up to four free articles in our monthly newsletter Entitled to 4 free ads in our newsletter per year 3 free news articles on our website Booth at our yearly “Business Expo” Priority given to host or sponsor a Dayton Hispanic Chamber event to showcase your business Ability to insert your company special programs and discount literature into our welcome membership package
    A solid supporter of the DHC. Logos are displayed on the website home page and monthly newsletter. Access to subject matter experts, as available. Company Logo with active link to your company on our website Up to 4 representatives at monthly networking meetings Access to Membership Mailing Lists Website listing with link to company site 25% discount for our Annual Meeting 2 free Ads in our e-newsletter per year 50% off booth at “Business Expo” Opportunity to sponsor a Dayton Hispanic Chamber event to showcase your business Company logo recognition in chamber newsletter, website and annual meeting 2 free news article on our website per year 20 free job postings a year
    Our entry level membership, provides value for the member organization and all the privileges of the DHC organization. Company name is listed in the website, and in the monthly newsletter. 10% discount for Annual Meeting Up to 2 representatives at monthly networking meetings Company Logo with active link on our website 5 free job postings a year 50% discount on Ads placed in e-newsletter or on website Opportunity to sponsor a Dayton Hispanic Chamber event to showcase your business
    Up to 1 representatives at monthly networking meetings Listing on our website no logo but active link Opportunity to sponsor a Dayton Hispanic Chamber event to showcase your business
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