Sponsor the Event Program
Get your business in front of the eyes of our Fiesta Gala guests and help support this event by sponsoring our event program.
The event program sponsorship allows your business to have either a full or 1/2-page ad placement in this year’s program.
If you’re interested in this sponsorship opportunity, we ask that you secure your placement as soon as possible as there is limited space and time before the event.
Sponsor a Table
As a membership-based non-profit organization, we make the Fiesta Gala a reality through sponsorship support.
As a table sponsor, you will receive company recognition as well as the chance to enjoy the event in style with 10 of your coolest colleagues, family or friends!
Interested in sponsoring a table?
Gala Sponsorship Guide
Want more information about sponsorship and advertising opportunities? Check out the Gala sponsorship guide here.